Textile and Apparel Manufacturing Company- Financing and Loan


Textile and Apparel Manufacturing Company- Financing and Loan

If you have in mind to implement and or finance a textile and Apparel manufacturing industry then you will be required a large amount of funds for a startup. Unlike business financing, a huge expenditure will be required as working capital which is much less than the initial investment.

Initial cost for Starting a Textiles and Apparel Manufacturing Business

  1. Long-term bank loan (Debt Financing).
  2. Selling share (Equity Financing); in case of a public limited company.
  3. Or you can choose both debt financing and equity financing (the ratio of debt to equity will depend on the financial strength and the business risk of that company).
  • Fixed cost financing may increase your financial risk, so try to avoid full debt financing.
  • On the other hand, equity financing is more costly as you have to share all of your profit proportionately according to the contribution of equity capital.

Financing for Maintaining Daily Expenditures

  • Hedging Policy of Working Capital Management: Hedging policy is one of the popular policies of managing funds where a matching principle is used. Financing for a current obligation is done from the current assets (current sources) and on the other hand financing for a long-term obligation is done for the long-term assets (long-term sources). That means for a short-term requirement of funds you need to collect from short-term sources and for long-term requirements you have to collect from long-term sources.
  • Conservative Policy of Working Capital Management: In the case of conservative policy company has the intention of taking a low risk for financing the current asset. Additional fund required for fixed assets company keeps the extra fund for using as a current asset. Here company financing (collecting) more funds from the long-term sources for both the current asset and fixed/long-term assets. The main intention is to lower the risk of financing for current assets.
  • Aggressive Policy of Working Capital Management: the Aggressive policy of working capital management is a risky policy in the sense that most of the required funds for current and long-term assets are to be financed from the short term sources, a lower amount of funds will be collected from the long-term sources. Basically, the money will be kept less than the required amount for working capital that why risk is higher.

Financing for Expansion of Textile and Apparel Business


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