Investment Financing: Principles and Lending Options.


Investment Financing: Principles and Lending Options.

Investment Financing: Basic Principles and Options

The conditions of the project and the nature for its implementation determine the choice of instruments and sources of financing for the investment project. External funding sources can be private or public partners. The state usually provides funds for the implementation of socially significant projects from the national and local budgets.

Factors Influencing the Choice of Investment Financing Options:

•Risks. It is important from the very beginning of a project to clearly assign responsibility for its success or failure.

  • The technical level of the companies participating in the project. Investment financing is based on several basic principles, including the principle of division of competences, the principle of equality of participants, the principle of additional financing, the principle of reasonable concentration of funds, and some others. We propose to consider the listed principles in more detail.
Investment Financing: Principles and Lending Options.

Sources of Financing for Investment Business Projects

External financing instruments for investment projects are widely used at different stages of development. In a broad sense, they are divided into several large groups:

  • Debt financing.
  • Equity financing.
  • Public funding. Debt financing is a flexible and rather attractive way of providing the necessary financial resources for the implementation of projects. Debt financing is allocated from resources collected in financial markets, such as bank loans, syndicated loans or bond issues.

Bond Loans; An alternative Source of financing for investment Projects.

It is most relevant for large multi-billion dollar projects for which the banking sector does not offer sufficient liquidity. A number of energy, environmental and infrastructure projects are funded through bond issues, and timely interest and principal payments are usually guaranteed by insurance companies.


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