Havelet Finance Limited, Your Reliable Financial Partner
Havelet Finance Limited, Your Reliable Financial Partner
Havelet Finance Limited is the only multilateral European private Financier/Loan lenders with an entirely social purpose. We have a deep understanding of social infrastructure project needs throughout Asia, America, Europe and Africa and the ability to stay engaged with its borrowers and project promoters. For this singular purpose, we remain the most reliable financial partner in all infrastructural and project finance.
Havelet Finance Limited provide International loans to co-finance projects in any of its 42 member states, in accordance with its mandate. Potential borrowers include governments, regional or local authorities, and public or private financial institutions and banks.
Flexible financing instruments
In order to maximize Havelet Finance contribution to strengthening social cohesion in its member countries, Havelet Finances bankable projects through a range of financing instruments that allow flexibility to its borrowers and best address their needs. Havelet Finance Limited Project Loans usually finance predefined individual infrastructure investments while Programme Loans are used for funding multi-project programmes, mostly in support of MSME and municipal investment programmes and often disbursed via our private investors banks .
Technical and financial expertise
Highly-specialised, expertise and skilled staff with diverse professional and cultural backgrounds are one of Havelet Finance Limited strongest assets. our financial expertise of the workforce goes beyond the traditional banking areas of finance, economics and risk management to include project management skills, as well as civil engineering, education, health or housing expertise. Our technical, operational and financial knowhow ensures that both the project structure and the financing offer closely match the borrowers’ requirements. We draws upon its 14 years of experience in the field of social investments coupled with its proven capacity to adapt to the changing environment and evolving borrower needs with a proven track records.
Ability to actively accompany the clients
Havelet Finance Limited provides enhanced technical and project management support throughout the project cycle — key to enabling the Bank to actively accompany its borrowers. Donor funds may finance technical assistance for project sponsors, helping them to prepare and implement their projects in accordance with best practices. In this respect, our channels either the external donor funds at its disposal or its own resources through internal instruments.
Understanding of and responsiveness to clients’ needs
We supple and reactive institutional and organisational structure allows it to address our clients’ needs through rapid and proactive turn-around. Identifying the issues in project preparation and implementation as they arise and finding ways to resolve them in real time is one of the strongest assets that the Havelet Finance Limited brings to the projects it finances. This kind of support, going far beyond the provision of simple financing, provides the basis for developing long-standing partnerships between the Havelet Finance and its prospective clients.
Competitive financing conditions
Havelet Finance Limited raises funds in the international capital markets on very competitive terms. As a non-profit driven institution, we apply only a limited margin to its loans and charges minimal fees and alongside no hidden charges, thus enabling its borrowers to significantly reduce the cost of the loans they take out to finance social projects. Havelet Finance Limited offers loans in line with the characteristics of the underlying projects and the specific clients’ needs through tailor-made structures and a great deal of flexibility in terms of disbursement amounts, maturity, currency and interest-rate structures or capital and interest payment dates. This is on a very low interest rate annually.
For more details on how you can get funding for your shoved and ready infrastructural projects and project financing, kindly contact us below;
Website: https://www.havelet-finance.com
Email: credit@havelet-finance.com
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